Do you want to be part of the Sloane Lab and actively contribute to the project?
If so, please take 10′ minutes to fill the Expression of Interest Form (more information below) and we will get in touch with you soon!
The Sloane Lab project uses a participatory design methodology to engage people with a wide range of experiences, expertise and knowledge that are relevant to the project and the collections. This will help to identify the kind of questions that could be asked of Sloane’s collections, and by extension a ‘national collection’ and learn how to support individuals and diverse communities of interest in different ways to search, use, visualise and transform Sloane’s records.
From a technical point of view, the co-design methodology reflects the project’s interest in combining the design of the Sloane Lab with methods that have the capacity explore innovative ways of engaging with data assemblies. This is achieved by engaging participants in:
- in person workshops
- online and in person digital activities
- one-to-one interviews
- focus groups
The aim of the activities is to facilitate exploration of questions users might want to ask of the collections, and ways of connecting the information across the various catalogues, presenting it in useful ways through online tools that facilitate the search and visualisation of data, and more.
View details and photos of past Participatory Activities.
Expression of Interest Form
Are you interested in helping us to understand what people might want to ask of the Sloane collections, and by extension digital heritage collections more widely?
The Sloane Lab engages individuals with a range of experiences, expertise and knowledge. Including but not limited to:
- researchers,
- heritage professionals,
- artists, and
- people interested in the design of the Sloane Lab digital platform, as well as
- interested individuals and communities.
Please complete our questionnaire and expression of interest form and we will be in touch with you soon!
If you have any questions, please contact us and we will be happy to assist.