List of Contributors

Between 2022 and 2024 the Sloane Lab participatory co-design consultant Dr Alda Terracciano, together with other members of the Sloane Lab team, engaged a total of 163 participants from various professional and cultural backgrounds in eight co-design workshops and in person digital activities for the Sloane Lab digital aggregator. Two UX sessions with 19 participants were also organised by Dr Foteini Valeonti and the Participatory Team to gain feedback on the Knowledge Base user experience. The participants listed below consented to be named for their contribution to the Sloane Lab.

We would like to thank all participants (those named below, as well those who prefer to remain anonymous) for their time and collaboration. Their input made a significant contribution to Sloane Lab and helped increase project impact.

Yoelis Acourt

Naila Aroni

Adam Alexander

Juliane Anderson

Esther Ansah

Daniele Bailo

Alice Bainbridge

Sarah Belkinson

Connie Bell

Katie Butler

Abu Oluwadamilola Beulah

Robert Bossy

Reuben Fakoya Brooks

Alex Butterworth

Daniela Calderon

Christian Cassiel

Daniela Cortés

Richard Coulton

Elizabeth Crilly

Hubert Curran

Glenrick Dale

Chimene Elizabeth Deane

Joy Ede

Esop Evard

Catrina Fenton

Jeremiah Garsha

David Gilbert

Maria C Gonzalez

Naomi Green

Janet Hagen

Triona White Hamilton

Leonie Hannan

Ayo Harty-Clarke

David Malgwyn Hayes

Jamila Heath

Selene Heath

Stephanie Holt

Joseph Horbacki

Thomas Anton Ierubino

Nandi Jola

Jacobus Kemp

Jonathan King

Sachiko Kusukawa

Deborah Leem

Shirley Lennon

Olivia L’Etang

Maya Levita-Elliot

Karen Loasby

Barbara Majek

Takura Donald Makoni

Nathan Mashaah

Delphinie McCarthy

Bethan McIlroy

Anne McKibben

Sarah Middle

Shirley Millar

James Miller

Lynda Miller

Kesensa Mordi

Spiridon Mousouris

Brendan Mulhall

JK Olarte

Josie Owen

Rossana Paciello

Heather Pardoe

Christopher David Preston

Zaineb Ramzan

Gethin Rees

Esther Regenwetter

Imelda Robinson

Brian Robles

Lauren Sawyerr

Brad Scott

Donalea Scott

K Sellars

Claire Shaddick

Beverley Simpson

Nandi Simpson

Jane Sparkes

Laurel Sibanda

Mark Spencer

Celia K Spoucer

Danielle Standish

Armando Stellato

Karl Stephenson

Rachel de Thampe

Kris Thomas

David Thompson

Hayley Thurrat

Yvonne Townsend

Jumanah Van Sertima

David Venator

Valerio Vinciarelli

Jacek Wajer

Charmaine Watkiss

Rebecca Watterson

Briony Widdis

Eman Zied

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